Source code for transperth.livetimes

import json
from itertools import chain
from os.path import join, dirname

import requests
from lxml import etree

from .exceptions import BadStationError

URL = (

ASSETS = join(dirname(__file__), 'assets')
with open(join(ASSETS, 'train_stations.json')) as fh:
    TRAIN_STATIONS = json.load(fh)

TRAIN_STATIONS_SET = (list(station.values())[0] for station in TRAIN_STATIONS)
TRAIN_STATIONS_SET = set(chain.from_iterable(TRAIN_STATIONS_SET))

[docs]def times_for_station(station_name): """ Given a station name (from ``TRAIN_STATIONS_SET``) return the associated incoming train timings """ if station_name not in TRAIN_STATIONS_SET: raise BadStationError() r = requests.get( URL, params={ 'stationname': station_name } ) return _parse_trips(r.content)
def _parse_trips(trips): root = etree.fromstring(trips) root = root.find('{}Trips') trips = root.findall('{}SercoTrip') trips = [ { etree.QName(el).localname: el.text for el in trip } for trip in trips ] for trip in trips: trip.update({ 'PatternFullDisplay': trip['PatternFullDisplay'].split(', '), 'Pattern': trip['Pattern'].split(','), 'Cancelled': trip['Cancelled'] == 'True' }) return trips def _main(): from pprint import pprint pprint(times_for_station('Perth Underground Stn')) if __name__ == '__main__': _main()