Source code for transperth.smart_rider.trips

Parses actions into separate trips
import logging
from functools import reduce
from operator import add
import datetime

from ..exceptions import IncompleteTrip

TAG_OFF = 'Normal TAG OFF'
TAG_ON = 'Normal TAG ON'

# synthetic actions are created when the smart rider user forgets to either
# tag on at the start, or tag off at the end of a trip aboard one of the
# transport services
SYNTHETIC_TAG_OFF = 'Synthetic TAG OFF'  # this is only presumed to exist


TRANSFER = 'Transfer'

[docs]class TripTracer(object): def __init__(self, actions): actions = filter( lambda action: action['action'] in VALID_TRIP_ACTIONS, actions ) self.actions = list(actions)
[docs] def trace(self): """ Consumes the provided actions, yielding trips consisting of stepss """ while self.actions: try: current_trip = [self.grab_step()] if current_trip[-1]['tagon']['notes'] == TRANSFER: current_trip.extend(self.consume_trip()) except IncompleteTrip:'An incomplete trip was encountered') break sorted_trip = sorted( current_trip, key=lambda step: step['tagon']['time'] ) sorted_trip = list(sorted_trip) yield { 'steps': sorted_trip, 'meta': self.generate_meta(sorted_trip), 'path': self.determine_path(sorted_trip) }
[docs] def determine_price(self, trip): """ Determines the total price for the given trip """ # we negate the price to get a positive number, so the when summed # we get a positive price return sum(map( lambda step: -step['tagoff']['amount'], trip ))
[docs] def consume_trip(self) -> list: """ Consumes a single trip, bar the first step """ current_trip = [self.grab_step()] while self.actions and current_trip[-1]['tagon']['notes'] == TRANSFER: current_trip.append(self.grab_step()) return current_trip
[docs] def grab_step(self) -> dict: """ :returns: a dictionary representing the step """ if len(self.actions) < 2: # if there ain't enough actions left to represent a full step, # raise IncompleteTrip raise IncompleteTrip() return { 'tagoff': self.actions.pop(0), 'tagon': self.actions.pop(0) }
[docs] def determine_path(self, trip: list) -> list: """ Iterates through the steps in the trip, return a list of locations that were visited, in order, during the trip, along with the service used to travel there """ path_steps = [None] for step in trip: if step['tagon'] != path_steps[-1]: path_steps.append(step['tagon']) if step['tagoff'] != path_steps[-1]: path_steps.append(step['tagoff']) fmt = '{location} ({service})'.format_map # slice off the first item, as it is None return list(map(fmt, path_steps[1:]))
[docs] def generate_meta(self, trip: list) -> dict: """ Computes the following; * from location (for the trip) * to location (for the trip) * trip duration * wait time between steps. this is zero on single step trips * total price for the trip :returns: metadata for a trip """ travel_time = determine_breadth( step['tagoff']['time'] - step['tagon']['time'] for step in trip ) travel_time = timedelta_repr(travel_time) return { 'from': trip[0]['tagon']['location'], 'to': trip[-1]['tagoff']['location'], 'travel_time': travel_time, 'wait_time': timedelta_repr(determine_wait_time(trip)), 'price': self.determine_price(trip) }
[docs]def determine_wait_time(trip: list) -> datetime.timedelta: def pairs(trip: list): trip = list(trip) latter = trip.pop(0) while trip: yield latter, trip[0] latter = trip.pop(0) if len(trip) > 1: waiting = [] for latter, former in pairs(trip): waiting.append( former['tagon']['time'] - latter['tagoff']['time'] ) return determine_breadth(waiting) else: return datetime.timedelta()
[docs]def timedelta_repr(td: datetime.timedelta) -> str: """ :returns: a human readable representation of the provided timedelta object """ assert isinstance(td, datetime.timedelta), type(td) ZERO = {'00', '0'} td = td.__str__().split(':') end = [] if td[0] not in ZERO: end.append('{} hours'.format(td[0])) if td[1] not in ZERO: end.append('{} minutes'.format(td[1])) if td[2] not in ZERO: end.append('{} seconds'.format(td[2])) if len(end) > 1: end.append('and ' + end.pop(-1)) return ', '.join( val.lstrip('0') for val in end )
[docs]def determine_trips(actions: list) -> list: """ Analysis's the given actions, and groups them into trips with appropriate metadata :returns: a list of trips """ return TripTracer(actions).trace()
[docs]def determine_breadth(iterable): """ Determines the breadth of the addable contents of the iterable """ return reduce(add, iterable)